Wednesday 8 July 2015

July 8th

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Sunsets at the gym are always enjoyable...

Wow, two months since my last post? I'm bad at this. Well since May we have sign our contract and I have left Manhattan Associates to run this gym full time. We also had Way Joe's immigration interview, fingers crossed he gets approval soon! We spent the first 3 weeks in June (finishing up all the classes I had to teach) and getting the gym prepped for opening. We had Carson's going away party June 27th and he has left to Denver for a great opportunity. We will miss him a lot. 

It is now the second week we have been officially open for business as Caffeinated CrossFit! It has been a slow first weeks but we are new at this, so who knows what to expect? It probably doesn't help that we opened the week before a holiday weekend where everyone already has plans to travel. 

I think out of all this small business stuff, marketing has to been the toughest. Funny, out of replacing ceiling tiles (with who knows what raining down), ripping up disgusting bathroom tiles, taking a crow bar to a wall (that was actually the best part), placing down bathroom tiles, moving 100+ lb stall mats, and painting until my arms were numb, marketing still trumps it all. This week alone, we've hopped on Groupon, Class Pass, Facebook Ads, Google Ads,and I'm about to go try to hand out some flyers...I'm gonna be that person/ad that I usually ignore. Isn't it ironic?

At least we have what we always wanted, a place for our friends to come workout and hang out with us whenever they have the time. And we have our "Grand Opening" this weekend, which thankfully everyone has been really supportive with a lot of friends donating prizes and RSVPing to come. I'll try to update this more often.

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