Thursday 23 April 2015

April 23rd

Just finished a 4 week stint of travel for work in ESO at Manhattan.

This past year has been crazy with a lot of exciting events. Here are some of the highlights:
1) Competed in South East Regionals 2014 as an individual athlete
2) Got married at Five Star Lodge and Stables on November 1st, 2014
3) Started the workings of a CrossFit Affiliate: Caffeinated CrossFit
4) Travelled to Chile, Netherlands, and England for work (2 new continents!)
5) Went on our honeymoon to the Western Carribean on a 7 day Royal Carribean cruise

Starting today I would like to keep a journal of the exciting places I try and my thoughts at this time in life. 

When I went to Chile in January I went a day earlier than SOFM training, landed Tuesday at 10 AM. That day I as about to do a hop on, hop off with Turistik. During the week I also had a delicious meal at Patio Bellavista.

This past month I travelled to Austin for Newgistics, stopped in Crossfit Austin (good coaching and flexible about working out beforehand) and ran along towne lake until sunset when I got to watch the bats fly off Congress bridge.

I also went to Amsterdam and walked around the city, trying french fries and buying trinkets off the street market downtown. I headed to Vasseveld (or Telborg) a town close by for a hotel the first night. The hotel was older but the food was good and the town was peaceful. After switching hotels I spent the rest of my stay in Varseveld, I was able to borrow a bike and bike to Crossfit Oost in the next town over. (about 8 KM away) I had a good time  and met Christina and Yapp. My last day in Amsterdam was spent visiting the tulip fields (Klokenhof). 

In England I walked around a couple hours before taking the BrakeAway secret bike tour around London. I heard about the various historical stories and architecture around the city. (they have a lot of fires!) I met up with David and Kate for dinner at "Bill''s" and then we went to "The Sun Inn" to hang out with Brent, David's friend who owns the bar. The Sunday after my birthday, I spent on an all day tour around Winsor castle, Bath, and Stonehenge where I met Iris. The week in Reading, UK passed pretty uneventfully. I stopped in the local pool for a swim and Crossfit Reading for a workout. My last night was spent having a good time with David and Brent at the sun inn.

Since getting back, we have gotten an initial lease from Larry for the 5595 Oakdale road space and I've been ever searching for where I want to go after my rotation in ESO is up. It has been pretty stressful but Way Joe helps with all he is doing to get the business going. He has been working on the website while I figure out insurance and we both look at where to open our bank account and review the lease. Hopefully we get this space and there isn't too much trouble!